Running a blog for your business can be a time-consuming objective that takes a lot of planning, research, and effort. With so many different marketing channels available to you, you might be wondering if maintaining a blog is really necessary.

We’ve got the answer.

A business blog (when managed effectively) is a powerful and cost-effective way to support the growth of your business. Take a look at these 8 benefits of blogging for your business for a better understanding of what you have to gain from this marketing method.

Learn more about the importance of a content marketing blog strategy and how to improve yours:

1. A Business Blog Provides Value for Your Readers

One of the primary benefits of business blogging is providing value to your target audience. Your blog posts can help readers solve problems or use your professional tips to improve a certain aspect of their lives. It’s no surprise that potential leads are much more interested in valuable content than in ads.

The wrong way to manage your business blog is by filling it with sales pitches instead of helpful and informative content. Give first. Always give first. See this article on This beneficial content can help build loyalty among potential customers who may then choose your brand over your competitors when making a purchase.

Related: 7 Steps to Creating a Flawless Content Marketing Strategy

2. Your Blog Can Help Drive Site Traffic

Just about every business owner wants more traffic to their website. More traffic equals more potential customers, right? Regular business blogging is a great way to help drive site traffic.

First of all, because blogs provide value, users may share your content with others. Second, if you have high-quality blog posts, other sites may link to yours as an informative reference. And third, blogging gives search engines more content to rank you for and shows that your site is both active and provides value, which can assist with organic SEO and send more traffic your way.

Our case study for GED shows how impactful a blog can be in bringing traffic to your website. Before Big Leap got involved, did not have a blog. Just from the blog posts we created, gained over 600,000 total clicks and 22.3 million total impressions.

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3. You Can Cultivate Valuable Connections

As technology dehumanizes interactions, consumers crave the human touch in the companies they do business with. Blog posting gives you a great avenue to humanize your brand and show the personal side of your business. Through your content marketing blog strategy, you can let others see behind the curtain and get a sense of your company standards, vision, and personality.

Research shows that likeability and trust drive customer loyalty to a brand. Blogging provides an opportunity to connect with your existing and potential customers in a different, more personal way. And blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate information online.

4. When Optimized, a Blog Marketing Strategy Boosts SEO

Search engines look for fresh, valuable content for their users. Blogging consistently gives Google new content to serve up to searchers, and gives you opportunities to use keywords to increase your online visibility in search results.

Studies show that websites with a blog tend to have 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links, which are both important ranking factors for search engines. As other websites link to articles on your site, that boosts your SEO even more.

5. With the Right Content Strategy, a Blog Can Establish Authority

Business blogging can build trust and clout within your industry, no matter how small your business is. When you provide valuable, expert information in blog posts, people look to you as an authority or industry leader. Over time, this credibility builds so that you become a “go-to” resource. This not only boosts customer acquisition but SEO and brand awareness as well.

6. Creates Opportunities for Sharing

According to a recent study, “the sheer amount of links exchanged and posts shared across the world is so great that it is impossible to measure.” Every time you blog, you give readers the opportunity to share your blog post with others. And what’s the biggest “sharing channel” in the whole wide world?

Social media! By promoting high-quality blog articles on your social media profiles, you can tap into FREE marketing anytime a follower shares one of your posts. Sharing your blog creates social proof, and is one of the 4 ways to know if your content is successful.

7. Your Blog Content Builds Brand Awareness

Think of it this way: there are so many consumers out there that aren’t familiar with your brand; however, they are familiar with the problems that your brand aims to eradicate. By speaking to those pain points on your business blog, you can draw in new consumers with relatable content, and then introduce your product or service as the solution.

Consistent blogging for your business is an effective way to build brand awareness by providing relevant and useful content to your target audience. Then factor in greater traffic, better SEO, more sharing, and your brand awareness will definitely improve.

8. Well-Maintained Blogs Drive Long-Term Results

Would you reject a blog marketing strategy that has the potential to increase site traffic and generate new leads for years to come? I’d hope not! Business blogging can do just that, and we can prove it with our own data from Google Analytics.

In February 2018, we published this article: What Are URL Parameters And How Can You Take Advantage Of Them? Today, this piece of content still brings in an average of nearly 300 new visitors every month. The same goes for our Comprehensive Guide to Local SEO [& Top 16 Local SEO Tools], which we produced in September of 2021.

And those aren’t even the only articles that continue to bring new traffic to the Big Leap Blog every single day. In fact, our collection of marketing tips and helpful articles account for more than half of our website traffic.

Now keep in mind: these articles are so old that we aren’t even promoting them anymore. While we focus on creating and promoting new content, our old articles are still working in our favor. This is the power of a solid content marketing blog strategy.

Get Started with Business Blogging

A business blog can help your brand build credibility, increase site traffic, boost search engine rankings, connect with existing and future customers, and so much more. It’s an opportunity no business should pass up, regardless of your size.

Interested in creating a blog marketing strategy for your organization? We can help. See how Big Leap produced phenomenal results for NuSkin through strategic business blogging. Contact our content marketing experts today to see what we can do for you.