There’s nothing more refreshing and exciting than hitting that “publish” button on a blog post. On the other hand, there’s nothing more disappointing than realizing that your post isn’t getting any views or traffic. 

Even in the online space, you feel the searing pain of rejection. “Where did things go amiss? What should I have done differently? Why aren’t people reading?” It becomes an anxious whirlwind of thoughts. As a content creator, content is the centrifugal force of not only your role but also in navigating your customers’ journey. After all, businesses that focus on content marketing reel in six times higher conversion rates than companies that don’t. 

Fortunately, there are six reasons you can look into to help fine-tune your blogging efforts.

Read more about how blogging can help your business:

1. Your Topics Are Irrelevant to Your Audience

We all love to talk about ourselves. But when it comes to writing blog posts, it’s imperative to give the reader what they want. So consider the following questions: 

  • What’s your target persona? 
  • Are the topics you cover things your target audience is actively searching for?
  • Do your topics pertain to their demographics? 

If you’re fumbling to answer these, then it’s time to revisit your content marketing strategy. You have to know these key components front and back to successfully align your topic, strategy, and monetization efforts. 

In the end, it’s all about your audience—what they value and what they want to know. Overlooking these will only have your readers clicking the back button and seeing what your competitors have to offer.

2. Your Voice Is Amiss

Say you have a medical supply manufacturing company and the voice you instill in your products is generally professional and serious. But your recent blog post is written in a casual, silly voice. 

Though the writing process might have been all fun and laughs, you’re creating brand misalignment. You’re confusing your readers and detaching them from your story and purpose. And confusion is no way to win viewership and customers. This dissonance fuels distrust and will destroy your credibility. As McKinsey & Company puts it, the three Cs of customer satisfaction are, “Consistency, consistency, consistency.”  

3. There’s No Value

Your content needs to provide an educational experience. So if you’re simply providing surface-level content rather than authentic and in-depth information, then you’re steering in the wrong path. You don’t want to leave your audience hanging with questions like, “How?” or “Why?”

By cutting corners and taking the short route, you can miss out on generating nine times more leads than if you were to invest time and produce longer and more compelling content. People want to feel comfortable, enlightened, and confident after reading your stuff. 

4. The Formatting Is Off

Let’s face it, there’s a ton of content out there, many of which cover the same topics as you do. So if your blog post isn’t organized in a way that promotes readability, then you’re not leveling up your game. This might look like: 

  • Long paragraphs of text 
  • No eye-catching images/graphics 
  • No subheadings
  • No bullet points

These will only overwhelm your reader and discourage them from reading and sharing. Remember, the average reader is only reading 20 percent of your content (you might be doing so yourself now!) So it’s crucial that you make that 20 percent count by grabbing your readers’ attention and making it scanner-friendly. 

5. Your Headline Sucks

Eight out of 10 people will read your headline, but only two out of 10 will read the rest of your blog post. Whether we like to admit it or not, humans are shallow creatures. We judge a book by its cover, and when it comes to a blog post, we judge it by its title. 

So if your headline is boring and vague, then you’re not enticing your audience to click. And if you need to spend as much time writing your headline as you do writing the body of your blog, do it—your headline is that important. 

6. You’re Selling Too Much

Consumers and online readers aren’t dumb. As avid participants in the digital space, they read numerous pieces of content each day (about 409 million people read more than 20 billion pages), so they can very well tell the difference between blog posts that want to educate/inform versus blog posts that want to suck cash from their wallets. 

And though selling is an important element to converting, it’s still crucial to give readers valuable and meaningful content. People don’t want to feel like they’re wading through a parade of salesmen. 

The key is using education to sell. So look at your blog post—is it merely telling readers to sign up and purchase, or is it communicating useful information that will encourage these conversions? 

Drive More Impact with Content

With so much content out there, the competition is fierce. It’s crucial to have all the content marketing tools to fuel your business with the competitive edge it needs. Having helped businesses grow for over a decade, Big Leap can create a customized content marketing strategy to help your business stay ahead. So be sure to contact us, and see how we can drive your engagement and conversions with better content.