Engage, Nurture, and Grow with Marketing Automation.

You have enough on your plate. Reel in more conversions with less time and less effort. Our marketing automation services provide the tools and resources you need to drive efficiency, productivity, and results.

What Is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is technology designed to help efficiently prioritize and execute your marketing and sales tasks. Better yet, it streamlines your lead-nurturing process to help you engage with more people on a more personal level.
There are several moving parts involved in marketing automation like:

  • Workflow automation
  • Segmentation
  • Email marketing
  • Sales enablement
  • Lead scoring
  • A/B testing

Each of these points tap into your buyer’s journey, aiming to help each prospect feel like an individual—not a just faceless number floating in the online space.

The Hard Truth About Marketing Automation

If done right, a marketing automation strategy has the power to change the way you grow. With organization, automated lead nurturing, and sales enablement, you can skyrocket your efficiency and effectiveness across the board.
Sound too good to be true? Check out the stats:

Marketing automation generates 451% more qualified leads. (Annuitas Group)


76% of companies that invest in marketing automation see a positive ROI within a year. (Marketo)


For every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect a $42 return. (DMA)


78% believe marketing automation is most responsible for boosting their revenue. (Lenskold Group)

Is Marketing Automation Your Solution?

Whatever your pain points are, our team is here to listen. We’ll help you take full advantage of your automation software with communication, engagement, and accountability at its core.
Is Marketing Automation Your Solution
Struggle to gain qualified leads
Not getting enough engagement 2
Want to drive more sales
Wasting time on manual tasks
Looking to create a more customized marketing campaign

Marketing Automation Strategies That Deliver

With Big Leap’s marketing automation services, we can create a marketing automation strategy that will: simplify your buyer’s journey, nurture leads more effectively, and get a clear view of your data. This means more conversions and less headaches.
Take a look at what our services involve:

Workflow Automation

Establishing the right foundation is key. To inject your marketing campaign with the efficiency and customization it deserves, we’ll start by fine tuning the nuts and bolts of your database.

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Marketing automation audit

This is our time to get to know your automation platform. We’ll look through your database, tools, and overall setup and take note of any opportunities and red flags.

Don’t have a platform yet? No worries. Our automation team will set one up for you.

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Database set up & ongoing maintenance

Our team will establish and optimize your database so it strategically aligns with your buying journey. We’ll also monitor its performance throughout your campaign, ensuring nothing gets overlooked.

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Have a lot of prospects taking action but not converting? Our team will help you segment your leads based on important indicators. That way, you can target your messages to the right people at the right time.

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Lead scoring

Struggling to prioritize your leads? With the help of an automated and customized lead-scoring model, your sales team can easily identify ready-to-buy leads who’ll provide the best value and ROI.

Email Marketing

Looking to better nurture your leads? Using some of the workflow automation techniques above, our team will help you craft impactful emails with just the right touch of personalization.

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Email campaign development

This development stage is where we’ll flesh out your objectives and vision. Whether it’s to boost brand awareness or promote content, we’ll put together best practices to guide your email strategy.

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Results tracking

Making data-based decisions is what Big Leap thrives on. Our team will ensure you’ve got the right metrics to measure your success and make smarter decisions.

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A/B testing

What’s working in your emails and what isn’t? We’ll help you find out by establishing the right variations to A/B test. Discover the right voice, tone, and style that’ll build trust and help move leads to move down the funnel.

Sales Enablement

We believe a collaborative relationship between marketing and sales is key to improving the buying process. We’ll help you craft a sales enablement strategy designed to give your teams the resources they need to close more deals.

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Sales report setup/tracking

How could you better support your sales staff to target their audience and sell more effectively?

We’ll establish useful reporting dashboards that’ll provide marketing and sales with a bird’s-eye view of the buying process. Together, they can monitor the reports and identify ways to speed up the sales enablement process.

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Templates & sequences

Have a lot of leads to follow-up with but have your hands tied?

We’ll build out automated email templates and sequences, so your sales team can follow-up with prospects in a timely manner and cultivate relationships.

Why Choose Big Leap

As a HubSpot Gold Partner, Big Leap has the resources to enhance your lead-nurturing strategies. We pride ourselves in harnessing automation technology to refine our clients’ campaigns and help them win lasting connections.

Hubspot Gold
RoofMaxx logo
200% increase in meetings scheduled with sales team
38% average email open rate
14% average email click rate
saas logo
5,600% increase in organic traffic
507% traffic boost to optimized posts
GED testing logo
5.57 million impressions on blog
1,582 ranking positions on Google
ecommerce company
225% increase in revenue
363% growth in keyword rankings
80% increase in organic traffic
Kate's real food logo
300% Growth in Page Views

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

“Our sales team has had more meetings scheduled with prospects than ever before, and they are all better quality and ready-to-buy leads. It’s incredible.”

RoofMax logo

“The workflow was seamless, so long as we could keep up with them. There was no lack of initiative – we really felt as if they were just off-site branches of our team, as committed, or more, to our goals as we were.”

Venafi logo

“Big Leap has been a great partner. They have become like an extension of our team rather than a vendor that you rarely hear from. We’re in constant communication between both teams and work on a multitude of projects together at all times. Big Leap has also been easy to integrate into projects with other partners of ours, expanding our marketing team’s capabilities.”

VisionWorks logo

“The crew at Big Leap has been an awesome resource on the technical SEO front. They dug in to truly understand our business and adjusted their reports to give us visibility to the metrics that matter most to us. If companies need the help of an expert on the technical SEO front, they should engage Big Leap. Together, we’ve been building our marketing site into an inbound lead generating powerhouse.”

QZZR logo

“They understand our industry and so they know what is best for our company.”

American Pest Control logo

“From adjusting keyword strategies to implementing customer-centric content on our website, Big Leap’s proactivity and expertise have ultimately increased our organic web traffic, engagement, and overall sales. Additionally, their customized reporting has helped my team in both understanding SEO and determining what our next steps should be. I think it goes without saying that this team has been central to growing our digital marketing efforts in an authentic, collaborative way.”

Learn & Grow with Our Marketing Automation Resources

Empower Your Campaigns With Marketing Automation

Marketing your business is no simple task. You’ve got campaigns to craft, emails to send, leads to nurture, the list goes on and on. Take advantage of our marketing automation services to simplify, automate, and empower your business.

You can call us now, or we can meet over lunch. Either way, we’re excited to meet you.

Let’s Talk About You.

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