Content Marketing Should Delight & Convert.

What are your customers’ needs and pain points? How can you provide solutions and build meaningful relationships? Big Leap’s content marketing team will help craft campaigns designed to educate, nurture and convert.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a digital marketing strategy that creates and distributes consistent content to your target audience. It involves polishing your brand messaging to produce content pieces like:

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Videos
  • Landing pages
  • E-books
  • White papers
  • Quizzes
  • FAQs

An effective content marketing strategy will target each stage of your buyer’s journey—awareness, interest, consideration, intent, evaluation, and purchase. Doing so creates trust, establishes your expertise, builds authority, and drives revenue.

By layering your SEO efforts with content marketing services, you gain the meaningful exposure you need to become a thought leader in your industry.

The Hard Truth About Content Marketing

Content marketing takes the site visitors your SEO efforts bring in and nurtures them with content that speaks to their needs. Simply put, you need a solid content marketing strategy to maximize your online opportunities.
Just check out the stats below!

Content marketing produces over 3x as many leads compared to outbound marketing and costs 62% less. (CMI)


Marketers who prioritize blogging efforts are 13x more likely to see positive ROI. (Hubspot)


Businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than those that don’t. (Hubspot)


Sites with blog content have 434% more search engine-indexed pages than sites without blog content. (OptinMonster)

Is Content Marketing Your Solution?

When it comes to connecting with your target audience, there is a content marketing strategy to address every pain point. 9 times out of 10, that plan involves better content.
Is Content Marketing Your Solution
Not getting enough engagement
Frustrated with poor conversion rates
Did your product launch fall flat or your promotional offer fizzle
Looking to better educate and provide value to your audience
Don’t have time to consistently produce high-quality content

Content Marketing Strategies That Deliver

At Big Leap, our content and SEO teams specialize in creative and technical services. From brainstorming themes to building campaigns to maintaining your blog to creating infographics, our content marketing services will help you achieve your business goals.
Here’s a preview of what we offer:

Research & Ideation

Initially we need to get to know your team, your business, and your brand. Our goal is to have strategic conversations to build a one-of-a-kind experience for your audience.

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Goals discussion

It all starts with you—what are your pain points and goals? How do you want to help people be a part of your story? We’ll start thinking of a game plan on how to ignite your content with authentic campaigns that connect with your audiences and deliver on your goals.

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Content audit

When was your last content audit? It’s okay if the answer is ‘never.’ Our content marketing team will analyze your existing content and customer journey to identify strengths and weaknesses.

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Voice, persona, and messaging

Is your messaging working to foster trust with your audience? The way you speak to your audience is crucial. We’ll help you map out and streamline your voice, buyer persona, and messaging and use them to fill any gaps in your customer journey.

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Brainstorming process

Short on fresh ideas and unique positioning? With your goals and personas all lined up, we’ll brainstorm campaign themes and curate content pieces. Just tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll present ideas that align with your sales funnel and budget.

Creation & Execution

It’s not just about publishing content once—it’s about consistently presenting content that takes your audience on a journey. Our execution phase is all about bringing relevant, actionable, and consistent campaigns to life.

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Editorial calendar

Building out an editorial calendar not only instills your campaigns with the focus they need, but it also allows you to create compelling stories around your content. We’ll take time to strategize a schedule that meets your needs and seeds your content across relevant channels.

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Content & design creation

Our team of in-house writers, editors, and designers will dive into crafting content pieces imbued with creativity, empathy, and authority. We’ll work with other teams to make sure the projects are rooted with the right focus.

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Review & iteration

We’ll have some time to review all the moving parts of your campaign before they launch. If there areas you feel need fine-tuning, our team will revisit those areas and iterate until we get it right.

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Data tracking

Tracking data is critical to your campaign’s success. We’ll help you set up the right tests and metrics, so you can let your data do the talking and make smarter decisions.


Part of maximizing the results of your content marketing efforts is by sharing them on relevant channels. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on critical opportunities to boost engagement and your bottom line.

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Social media

What are the key social media channels you’re active on? Our social media team can help you create succinct yet engaging messages that will entice your followers to click and explore your campaign.

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Email marketing

Our content and marketing automation teams can put together a robust email marketing campaign that drives brand awareness and trust. We’ll look for creative ways to nurture both active and inactive leads with your campaign.

Why Choose Big Leap

Big Leap is a SEO and Content Marketing Agency that cares about the growth and success of each of our clients. We do so much more than put words on a web page—we invest time into your customers’ pain points, needs, and interests to map out the right strategies.

We are proud to have a dedicated in-house team of creatives and technical experts who will give your content marketing campaigns the attention and holistic approach they deserve.

spoonful of comfort logo
2,362% Increase in Organic Revenue
1,901% Increase in Organic Transactions
paystand logo
52.46% Increase in Conversions
5.36% Conversion Rate
Kate's real food logo
300% Growth in Page Views
GED testing logo
5.57 million impressions on blog
1,582 ranking positions on Google
Pinnacle Roofing logo
72% Increase in Keyword Rankings
100+ New Lead Conversions

[fusion_blog_cpt layout=”grid” cpt_post_type=”casestudies” cus_taxonomy=”xxx__select_taxonomy” cus_terms=”” cus_terms_exclude=”” meta_terms1=”xxx__select_taxonomy” meta_terms2=”xxx__select_taxonomy” cpt_cfield1=”select_cfield” key_text1=”” cpt_cfield2=”select_cfield” key_text2=”” blog_grid_columns=”3″ blog_grid_column_spacing=”20″ blog_masonry_grid_ratio=”1.0″ blog_masonry_width_double=”2000″ equal_heights=”yes” number_posts=”6″ offset=”0″ pull_by=”category” cat_slug=”” exclude_cats=”” tag_slug=”” exclude_tags=”” orderby=”date” sorting_key=”select_cfield” order=”DESC” thumbnail=”yes” title=”no” title_link=”yes” content_alignment=”” excerpt=”hide” excerpt_length=”10″ strip_html=”yes” meta_all=”no” meta_author=”yes” meta_categories=”yes” meta_comments=”yes” meta_date=”yes” meta_link=”yes” meta_tags=”yes” scrolling=”no” grid_box_color=”rgba(233,30,99,0)” grid_element_color=”” grid_separator_style_type=”” grid_separator_color=”” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”casestudies_feed” id=”” /]

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

“The workflow was seamless, so long as we could keep up with them. There was no lack of initiative – we really felt as if they were just off-site branches of our team, as committed, or more, to our goals as we were.”

Venafi logo

“Big Leap has been a great partner. They have become like an extension of our team rather than a vendor that you rarely hear from. We’re in constant communication between both teams and work on a multitude of projects together at all times. Big Leap has also been easy to integrate into projects with other partners of ours, expanding our marketing team’s capabilities.”

VisionWorks logo

“The crew at Big Leap has been an awesome resource on the technical SEO front. They dug in to truly understand our business and adjusted their reports to give us visibility to the metrics that matter most to us. If companies need the help of an expert on the technical SEO front, they should engage Big Leap. Together, we’ve been building our marketing site into an inbound lead generating powerhouse.”

QZZR logo

“They understand our industry and so they know what is best for our company.”

American Pest Control logo

“From adjusting keyword strategies to implementing customer-centric content on our website, Big Leap’s proactivity and expertise have ultimately increased our organic web traffic, engagement, and overall sales. Additionally, their customized reporting has helped my team in both understanding SEO and determining what our next steps should be. I think it goes without saying that this team has been central to growing our digital marketing efforts in an authentic, collaborative way.”

Kate's Real Food logo

Learn & Grow with Our Content Marketing Resources

Take Action.

Don’t waste another minute mulling over disappointing data. Those numbers won’t improve until you improve your content — or better yet, until we improve it for you. Contact a Big Leap marketing specialist today to discuss your goals and determine whether or not we’ll make a good fit.

Let’s Talk About You.

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