Enterprise PPC Management: Your ROI Revolution

Your brand needs paid search to gather qualified leads, fast. Let Big Leap put together your enterprise PPC management plan.
Facebook blueprint certified buyer
Google Ads certified

Paid Search That Pays You Back

digital advertising concept
social advertising concept

Big Leap’s Enterprise PPC Management Services

Since 2008, Big Leap has forged a distinct path to furnish brands with reliable, organic growth. Embracing innovation, our enterprise marketing teams excel in harnessing the power of PPC strategies to ensure a comprehensive and dynamic approach.

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A holistic, full-funnel approach provides deep and wide-angle visibility that drives profits. We guide your paid media strategy from start to finish to ensure your goals and bottom line don’t get lost in the shuffle.

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We produce quality content that speaks to your target audience and distribute it on the mediums your audience prefers. We create landing pages, blog posts, ads, brand messaging, and product/service videos that follow current content trends and a customized approach.

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Get seen each time your audience searches. Big Leap’s paid search ads and PPC program cater to all search engines (including DuckDuckGo). Appear at the top of search results and drive significant search traffic.

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Big Leap creates visually engaging ads that utilize video, GIFs, and shorts for sites like TikTok and YouTube to capture your audience’s attention and drive real results.

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Big Leap creates ads and stories curated for Meta, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Rumble, and other social media platforms to promote your brand to your target audience.

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Big Leap crafts context-matching ads, whether it’s content on a website, a promoted social media post, or a sponsored article. Need compelling advertorials or editorials? We create those, too.



If your ads aren’t getting the results you expected, it may be because you’re missing a key component: Retargeting. We always follow up on leads through tiered techniques that remarket to your site visitors, past purchasers, and specialized audiences through text messages, email, YouTube, TikTok, and Rumble.

Paid Search & Paid Social that Boosts Profits

Our approach to enterprise PPC management is a well-driven, full-funnel strategy. By communicating often and honestly with our clients, we help them understand what it takes to reach their goals.

We don’t waste time or money on outdated advertising methods that don’t work. We focus exclusively on paid media services that are proven to give our clients a high ROI.

Enterprise PPC Case Study

Truvy + bigleap = results
10,076% increase in marketing-generated revenue
6:1 return on ad spend
209% increase in search impressions
in a 3-month period
Big Leap Utah Marketing Agency Case Study for Truvy

The Enterprise PPC Advantage

Tired of cookie-cutter solutions? We don’t use them.
As an enterprise PPC agency, our customized strategies are tailored to each facet of your business.

Brand Consistency

Consistent messaging across campaigns fosters brand recognition (and trust).


Enterprise PPC management accommodates the evolving needs of your business.

Adaptive Optimization

Continuous monitoring ensures strategies keep up with market conditions.

Targeted Campaigns

Data-driven insights empower single-location and franchise PPC efforts to consider every angle.

Multi-Location Targeting

At Big Leap, PPC strategies go beyond geographical boundaries to tailor campaigns for businesses operating in multiple locations. With fine-tuned precision, multi-location PPC ensures a localized approach for specific regions, optimizing ad performance across diverse markets.

The Powerful Benefits of Paid Advertising

When expertly executed, paid search and paid social have the power to generate leads at an impressive level and speed.


PPC ads can boost brand awareness by 80%.(Google)


Businesses can earn an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on Google Ads. (Google)


You are 70% more likely to convert site visitors with retargeted display ads than with regular display banners. (wishpond)


65% of all high-intent searches bring in a PPC ad click. (Wordstream)

4 Ways Tailored PPC Strategies Are a Win for Enterprises

Customized enterprise PPC strategies just work. Here’s how.

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1. Data-Driven Precision

Using the right tools and analytics, enterprise PPC management can facilitate success at every level.

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2. Strategic Performance Enhancement

From prudent budget allocation to meticulous page optimization, enterprise PPC ad strategies elevate your game.

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3. Navigation with Expertise

A top-level enterprise PPC agency like Big Leap knows how to avoid common pitfalls to navigate challenges with finesse.

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4. PPC Trend-Spotting

Staying informed with PPC trends ensures your campaigns remain current and ahead of the curve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Enterprise PPC management is a pay-per-click (PPC) service and differs from traditional PPC in that it optimizes large-scale campaigns with advanced tools and a dedicated team. These campaigns can handle extensive budgets and complex data for businesses of varying sizes—even larger corporations.

Enterprise PPC strategies swiftly enter markets and offer measurable data, precise targeting, and flexibility in various budgets. It can complement SEO and content marketing to ensure maximum visibility in the digital landscape.

Big Leap uses bid management, programmatic buying, and machine learning to optimize bids across large keyword sets. Continuous testing, data-driven adaptations, and knowledge of industry trends help maintain campaign scalability and effectiveness.

Absolutely! Our enterprise PPC efforts bolster SEO, content marketing, social media advertising, and display campaigns. Leveraging data from these channels can powerfully enhance PPC targeting for a more cohesive marketing strategy.

We employ proactive monitoring, automatic flagging of suspicious activity, IP address exclusion, CAPTCHA challengers, and collaboration with networks for reimbursement of fraudulent activity. We stay updated with current security protocols to ensure your campaigns are safeguarded.

PPC budgets vary from business to business and can range from $100 a month to $10,000 or more. Before setting an arbitrary PPC budget, you should consider key variables such as industry competitiveness, keyword search volume, target audience, sales goals, and others.

PPC advertising can offer your business several competitive advantages:

  • Higher conversions due to leads being further along the sales funnel
  • Concentrated targeting options not available with traditional advertising
  • Access to audience and campaign insights that can help with SEO efforts
  • Low barrier of entry and quicker implementation compared to traditional SEO efforts
  • Remains unaffected by search engine algorithm updates for more consistent results
  • Real-time data to measure and analyze results nearly instantaneously

The cost for keywords is determined by several factors, including:

  • Quality score
  • Click-through rate
  • Competitiveness
  • Ad rank/position
  • Seasonality

Enterprise PPC Management:
The Key to PPC Success

paid advertising pain points
Not getting enough traffic and leads 2
Can’t find yourself on Google
Competitors passing you up
Need more business
Spending too much on paid ads

Harness the Power of Enterprise PPC Management

Here’s the thing about Big Leap:

We love long-term professional relationships based on trust and transparency. Let’s begin by getting to know each other better, chatting about your current situation, and discussing your paid search and social goals.

Get on a phone call with us, jump on Zoom or Meet!

Let’s Talk About You.

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