In our previous post, we dove into the signs your business needs marketing automation. But did you really think we’d leave you hanging with that? You’re probably buzzing with questions like, “How do I fix the issue?” and “How can I best utilize marketing automation?” Well, have no fear; we are back and ready to shower you with solutions.  

Whether you’re struggling to obtain qualified leads or noticing your data is a hot mess, setting up the right dashboard in Hubspot can help. Dashboards allow you to build customized reports and get a birds-eye view of all your metrics. More importantly, they enable your team to be up-to-date on campaigns and see where improvements need to be made. Sounds pretty awesome, right? So without further ado, here are three reporting dashboards you need for your business. 

Read more about tools you can use to improve your business’ SEO:

1. Marketing Dashboard

As you’ve probably guessed, launching a robust campaign requires setting up a marketing dashboard in Hubspot (or, for that matter, any CRM you use to track data and respond to leads). This is a platform where your marketing team can create reports on key metrics like: 

  • Lead sources: Which sources are bringing in the most revenue for your business? Is it your website, partner referrals, or organic search? Knowing this can help you understand where you should invest your marketing efforts and budget. 
  • MQLs & SQLs: Hubspot can easily categorize your contacts based on the stage they’re at in your marketing/sales lifecycle. And through this, you can keep track of your marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and sales qualified leads (SQLs). Not only will you gain insight into how leads are being handed off between marketing and sales, but you’ll also identify any gaps you can close to speed up sales enablement.  
  • Form submissions: Do you have any freebies/services you’re offering to potential customers on your site? You can keep tabs on the folks who have submitted your form by collecting their name and contact information. Better yet, this reporting tool can track the number of submissions on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis.

2. Sales Dashboard

We hope your marketing and sales teams are like two peas in a pod. Both teams should grow together to discover ways to enhance the buying process. A great way to do this is by setting up a sales dashboard. Together, your teams can look at: 

  • Conversion rates: How many deals are you closing on a monthly and quarterly basis? What specific products do these deals entail? In addition to these results, Hubspot can help you keep track of how many deals each sales team member has been generating.
  • Revenue rates: How much revenue are you making from your closed deals? You can also pull reports that compare the revenue of these deals and your team’s quota.
  • Revenue forecast rates: What does your projected revenue look like? Hubspot lets you set up and edit deal stages in your pipeline to gauge how likely an opportunity will close. This can also help your team recognize any roadblocks in your sales cycle.
  • Performance rate: You can monitor your team’s activity based on metrics like calls logged, emails sent to contacts, and meetings scheduled with leads. Moreover, by having conversion and revenue reports handy, you can use these to establish better sales strategies and goals.

3. Partner Dashboard

While working on your internal marketing and sales efforts, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. Keep in mind that your partners are fundamental in improving your business outcomes. So take time to better understand and manage your partners by setting up a partner dashboard. This can provide insight into: 

  • Revenue per partner: How much revenue is each partner generating for your company? This can be measured on a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) or year-to-date (YTD) basis. You can even break this down based on the specific products/services your business offers.
  • Referral activity: How well are your partners referring your business? You can see who your most active partners are from the last 60 days to even the last week.
  • Lead quality: What are the conversion rates of leads? These statistics can shed light on whether partners are garnering enough qualified leads and how you can help them refocus their efforts to do so.
  • Contract length of referred clients: Are the clients from partner referrals on a six-month contract, a month-to-month basis, or a per-project basis? Having this information can help you see which partners are bringing in long-term clients versus those who are bringing in short-term clients.

Reasons you need marketing automation

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It’s important to note that the dashboards and reports you set up should reflect the priorities of your business. And it’s good to have a team of inbound marketing experts who can help you out. 

As a Hubspot Gold Partner, Big Leap knows the ins and outs of marketing automation. More importantly, we understand that each business is unique; we’ll invest the time to get to know your company and goals to accurately identify critical advantages. So reach out to us. Our marketing automation experts will guide you every step of the way.