B2B SEO Agencies You Can Trust

The B2B world is complex. You aren’t just selling a product; you’re forming partnerships with other businesses. You need quality B2B SEO marketing to achieve your goals.

Keep reading to learn more about B2B SEO and why partnering with a B2B SEO agency is best to grow your business and get in front of the right audience.

What Makes B2B SEO Marketing Different from Other Types of SEO?

B2B SEO marketing differs from other types of marketing because it targets other businesses rather than individual consumers. The key purposes of B2B SEO marketing include:

  • Increasing brand exposure
  • Generating quality leads that can turn into customers

One of the critical elements of B2B SEO marketing is high-quality content. All marketing efforts must encourage readers and site visitors to take an action, whether downloading an eBook or signing up for a demo.

Catering to the purchasing journey of a business looks different from catering to an individual’s buying habits. B2C SEO marketing targets the individual customer, and the goals and tactics differ drastically.

B2B SEO Marketing Personas

Another important differentiator in B2B SEO marketing is using personas, or fictional representations of ideal buyers. When a business can identify elements of its personas, it becomes easier to craft targeted content that grabs the attention of the right audience members. At Big Leap, we’re a trusted B2B SEO company that can assist with creating personas and content that align with their needs.

Finding the Right Keywords

Once we clearly understand your buyer persona, our B2B SEO consultants can identify the keywords your target audience uses when searching online. B2B keywords need to be specific and use industry terms. We’ll determine which keywords are popular and incorporate them into the content we produce for your business.

What Big Leap Audits and Optimizes for SEO

Another element of our B2B SEO services involves auditing and optimizing your website. It often surprises our clients how quickly SEO improvements can occur through just a few changes. When performing a thorough audit, we look at both on- and off-page SEO.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to everything on your website and its performance, including:

  • Content
  • Title and meta tags
  • Metadata
  • Site speed
  • URLs

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to online elements that exist outside of your website. A big part of improving off-page SEO is creating backlinks, or having other sites link back to your website.

Guest blogging, social media outreach efforts, and appearances on podcasts can all aid in creating functional backlinks. Having external sources link back to your site improves your expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (EAT) ranking.

The Importance of EAT

While the term “EAT” may make your stomach growl, we aren’t talking about food in this case. (We’re kind of disappointed too.) Rather, we’re referring to the acronym for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. It’s Google’s definition of high-quality and SEO-worthy content.

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When researching any subject, readers want to hear from knowledgeable people, experts, and Google understands that. The world’s most popular search engine pushes content written by experts, with bonus points if it’s written in a way that’s fun to read.

Google’s been trying hard to refine its algorithms for the human experience of searching. As a result, it’s crucial to convey a high level of expertise when sharing content through SEO B2B marketing efforts.

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Technically, anyone can claim they’re an expert, so how does Google determine who is trustworthy? That’s where backlinks come in.

To Google, having quality sources link back to your website shows you must know what you’re talking about, leading to higher rankings. Authority is essential in B2B SEO, as gaining recognition within your industry can lead to higher lead gen.

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You can prove your company’s trustworthiness through effective website security measures, transparency about data usage, and positive reviews. Even interacting with customers who leave negative reviews in an effort to resolve the problem can show trustworthiness.

Big Leap’s B2B SEO Strategy

Now that you have a better idea of the purpose of B2B SEO marketing, we’ll outline what B2B SEO solutions we offer and how they can benefit your business. Our month-one deliverables for every client include:

  • B2B keyword research
  • Results of a technical site audit
  • Metadata re-writes

By performing thorough research and a detailed audit of your site, we can determine what metadata rewrites will improve ranking and generate higher-quality leads. As an experienced SEO agency, we take a personalized approach for every client.

Big Leap Case Studies

Explore some of our case studies from B2B clients who came to us looking to improve their SEO.

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SEO Marketing

Frequently Asked B2B Questions

Here are some common questions we get about B2B SEO.


Working with the experts at Big Leap, a highly effective B2B SEO firm, is the best way to improve your B2B SEO. We’ll take a meticulous approach when identifying improvements and boosting your website performance.

SEO is key in ensuring that people find your site when searching online. With low SEO rankings, a site won’t appear on the first page of search engines. Approximately 75% of users don’t go past the first page when looking for something.

B2B SEO caters to businesses rather than individual consumers. Business professionals do more research than the average consumer, so B2B SEO focuses on creating leads through helpful content. It also helps to drive leads and pipeline growth rather than encouraging a quick transaction.

Helpful content guides a business decision-maker through the sales funnel with precise information tied to specific keywords. Since conversion value is higher with B2B SEO, targeting lower-volume but relevant keywords effectively delivers excellent returns on investments.

Additionally, B2B SEO has more research touchpoints that lead to conversion. The right strategy that incorporates the need for additional touchpoints is more effective. By contrast, B2C SEO focuses on fewer touchpoints and higher conversions.

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