Blogs matter in marketing but they aren’t everything. In fact, blogging alone will never yield the results you want and need from your content marketing strategy. 

Let’s look at it this way: 

The takeaway? Your blog is just a pebble in a big world. 

Yep, that can be hard to swallow. But as they say, beyond the horizon lie infinite possibilities. In the content marketing world, this saying thankfully rings true. 

5 Content Marketing Tactics to Bolster Your Strategy

Beyond the blogging landscape lie bigger and better pastures filled with creative and worthwhile content marketing strategies. These tactics can refine and better align your messaging efforts to nurture leads and retain your customers. 

With that said, let’s graze through five content marketing strategies that can drive you beyond blogging and give your business the boost it needs to: 

  • Publish unique and eye-catching content
  • Earn valuable connections
  • Build a holistic marketing strategy 

Keep in mind, not all of these tactics work for every business. It all depends on your industry and what your target audience actually wants. We’ve offered some insights on this below, but if you need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our reputable content marketing team.

1. Infographics


An infographic is a collection of visuals—charts, icons, and graphics—to communicate information. With minimal text, the purpose of infographics is to offer a visual experience that helps readers better understand concepts.


Here’s why infographics are so valuable: 

  • Infographics might just be the easiest and most organic way to venture out of the blog world. Take one of your high-performing blog posts and turn it into an infographic. 
  • Infographics can work well in any industry, especially in technical spaces like healthcare, tech, and digital marketing. Infographics break down complex concepts and offer an engaging experience. After all, the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text.
  • Infographics are adaptable in that you can cut them up into shorter pieces and share them on various platforms like your social media pages, emails, and web pages. 
  • Infographics can increase site traffic by up to 12%, and people are 30 times more likely to read them than blog articles.

2. Video


Everyone knows what a video is, so let’s get straight into the important stuff. There are two types of video content to consider: 

  • Short-form video: Short-form videos, like TikTok videos, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, are videos that are roughly one to three minutes long. Short-form videos can provide an engaging experience that won’t take up a lot of your users’ time. 

Companies that require visuals, such as fashion retailers, can leverage short-form videos to express their brand in snapshots.

  • Long-form video: As the name indicates, long-form videos are longer than short-form videos. You’ll often find them on YouTube or Vimeo. 

Long-form videos can be beneficial for industries like SaaS where complex processes need to be explained. 


Videos fuel engagement, interest, and value for your audience. Not to mention, they can serve as a valuable tool that educates and encourages users to move down the buying funnel: 

  • People’s attention spans are getting shorter (thanks to this so-called digital life), so a video marketing strategy can give you a leg up on the competition and reel in engagement.
  • 86% of marketers believe their video campaigns have helped them generate leads.
  • 96% of people watch explainer videos to learn. 88% feel compelled to make a purchase upon watching.
  • Nearly 90% of marketers believe video brings in good ROI.

3. Podcast/Audio Content


A podcast is an audio series a user can listen to at their own time. A podcast episode is 43 minutes on average, with a series lasting anywhere from a handful of episodes to hundreds. 

You can generally find audio content on platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts


Podcasts can work in unison with your other content pieces, giving you a holistic content marketing strategy. Not to mention, they’re growing in popularity!

  • As of 2020, 104 million people in the U.S. listen to podcasts regularly. This number increased by 32% from 2019.
  • With mobile consumption at an all-time high, podcasts are a convenient way to consume content. People can easily listen to audio content on the go.
  • Podcasts can convert. In a survey of 300,000 podcast listeners, 63% of them purchased a product/service the host promoted in an episode.
  • Audio content can be pretty simple to create. You can take a piece of high-performing, existing content (e.g. blog post, gated content, video, etc.) and repurpose it into audio format. This can bolster your digital footprint. 

When Big Leap supplemented Nu Skin’s blog posts with a podcast series, our client earned over 5,000 organic sessions and over 500 backlinks.

4. Influencer Marketing


Influencer marketing is a strategy where a brand partners with an influencer—a person with a large social following and authority in a given industry— to bolster the business’ brand awareness and reach more audiences. 

An influencer generally works with a business to craft engaging content (e.g. giveaways, ads, short-form videos) for their social platforms. 


Influencers carry purchasing power over your target audience. They can serve as a lucrative resource for you to amplify your content and social marketing strategy.

  • 61% of consumers trust a friend, family, or influencer for purchasing recommendations. Compare this to 38% who trust recommendations from a brand on social media. 
  • When Nomatic launched an influencer campaign, they surpassed their Kickstarter goal raising over $1 million.
  • For every dollar spent on influencer marketing, businesses can earn $5.78
  • 66% of marketers plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets. 

5. Gated Content


Gated content is any type of content placed behind a lead capture form. Users must fill out some personal information (i.e. name, email, phone number, etc.) first to access the content.

Below are two examples of high-value content you can gate. These are particularly advantageous for those in the B2B space: 

  • White papers: If you’re in an industry that primarily serves high-level business leaders, white papers are a great way to strengthen your brand’s credibility. 

White papers are research-heavy pieces that present influential information. They might explain methodologies, advocate certain positions, and solve complex business issues. Creating one is not an easy task, but it can be done well if you understand your audience and their industry.

  • eBooks: An eBook is a comprehensive article that dives deep into a particular topic. They are usually shorter than white papers. eBooks are accompanied by insightful graphs, charts, and illustrations that offer an immersive and educational experience. 


Gated content can give your lead-nurturing strategies a nice boost: 

  • Gated content is effective in converting leads. Conversion rates can be as high as 45%. Trading Strategy Guides won 11K more subscribers with their gated content.
  • Up to 80% of B2B content marketing materials are gated.
  • Gated content can help you with segmentation. Based on the user data you collect via gated content forms, you can segment your leads based on certain traits. With this, you can send out personalized emails or targeted ads to the right people. 

Go Above and Beyond with Big Leap

The key to producing quality content is by having a team of content strategy experts by your side. And guess what? Big Leap can be that team. 

Creating a flawless content marketing strategy takes time and effort, so we’ll be with you every step of the way. Thinking about going the DIY digital marketing route? There are areas you can DIY but other areas you can’t, so be sure to learn more about that next.