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Project Overview

Increase in New Users
Increase in Revenue
Increase in Organic Sessions
Website https://www.spoonfulofcomfort.com/
Industry eCommerce
Value Provided Increased organic traffic and revenue
Project Overview

Spoonful of Comfort’s message is all about spreading care and kindness when it’s needed most. The business is built around sending love to the people you care about with a box of comfort food. With so many people heading online to find gifts they can send to their long-distance friends and family, Spoonful of Comfort wanted to improve their rankings to reach these people. That’s why they came to Big Leap in July of 2018, where we helped them improve their SEO and content marketing. Check out that case study here.

But as the months and years passed, another issue arose. They maintained their high rankings but they wanted to see an even bigger increase in their organic traffic. So, in December of 2019, we put our heads together to see what more we could do.

Because of our working relationship, we could easily add to the SEO and content marketing foundations we already built and further optimize them to improve Spoonful of Comfort’s organic traffic. Find out what strategies we used to increase their traffic growth by 644% and their revenue by 289% in under a year. And, of course, contact us to learn more about what Big Leap can do for your business.

Our Strategy

Our Strategy

To build Spoonful of Comfort’s organic traffic, we knew that SEO and keyword optimization needed to be our top priority. Fortunately, that’s our bread and butter. 

Collaborated with Partners

While increasing organic traffic was the primary goal for this campaign, we know the value of a holistic marketing strategy. In Spoonful of Comfort’s case, that meant looking at how paid advertising had been performing in regards to their overall web traffic. So we turned to our partner, Disruptive Advertising, who was running ads for Spoonful of Comfort.

We combined forces to uncover areas of opportunities that at first glance might not have been obvious. Through this collaboration, we looked at what keywords were converting in paid search. From there, we built an SEO strategy around those types of high-performing keywords.

Built Authority with Topic Clusters

Part of a company’s ranking ability comes from its apparent authority about a topic or some sign that you are an expert on the subject.

One of the best ways to establish authority is through topic clusters. In other words, writing about concepts and subjects that surround a keyword’s topic. For Spoonful of Comfort’s topic clusters, we created a pillar piece to incorporate a specific keyword and then supported it with 10 more narrow, more in depth articles on related topics. 

Established Internal Link Structures

Once we wrote the pillar article and all of its supporting pieces, we were then able to interlink between each article. By doing so, Spoonful of Comfort can communicate to its readers and to Google that all of these pieces are connected, which improves the ranking ability. 

We also linked these content clusters to pages on Spoonful of Comfort’s website that get less organic traffic and fewer links from outside sites—places like product purchase pages, download pages, or other conversion pages. This provides readers with a better experience, as reading one article may guide them to more information. It also helps those other pages increase in traffic and improve their ability to rank.

Since February of 2020, their new user traffic increased by 644% when compared to their performance in 2019. On top of that, their revenue increased to the tune of 289% when compared to the previous year.


The Results

The content cluster went live on Spoonful of Comfort’s site in February 2020. Since then, their organic sessions increased by 585% when compared to their performance in 2019. In addition, organic new users to sympathy related content averaged a 644% year over year growth.

Additionally, the sessions on their sympathy related landing pages drastically improved, going from 3,180 in January 2020 to 20,839 in December 2020.

When it comes to ranking keywords, the number of sympathy related keywords we were ranking for grew 577.13% from January to December of 2020.

Last but certainly not least, their revenue experienced a boost as well. It increased to the tune of 289% when compared to the previous year, with their month-to-month improvements averaging at about 64.96%.

spoonful traffic graph

Treat Yourself to Better Traffic

With Big Leap at its side, Spoonful of Comfort has a partner to help build a better foundation for their digital marketing strategy. They know they can come to us when they need to see improvements. And we’ll provide that same level of care and service for your company.

Contact our experts today to learn more about what we do. You’ll get a free quote and a report on exactly how we can help.

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Here’s the thing about our SEO agency: We prefer long-term partnerships that are deeply rooted in trust. Before we dive right into this, we’d like to get to know you better, get a feel for your current situation, and talk about your marketing goals and expectations.

You can call us now, or we can meet over lunch. Either way, we’re excited to meet you.

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