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Free SEO Audit!

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When’s the last time you checked on your SEO?

Been a while? Wonder how it stacks up against your competition?

Well look no further. We’ll dive into your site, look at the nitty gritty, and put together our findings in a fancy little SEO audit. It’ll tell you where you’re at, how you rank against the competition, and a few ways to improve your SEO game.


It’s a tough one to crack and a hard one to manage. Just when you think you’ve made it, an algorithm updates or a competitor swoops in. So what do you do and where do you start?

One of the best ways to find out where you’re at and how you can improve is by conducting an SEO audit. In fact, best practices say you should conduct an audit at least once a year. But what exactly is an SEO audit and how much does it cost?

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man scratching his head

What is an SEO audit?

It’s pretty straightforward. An SEO audit is a review process that identifies strengths, weakness, and areas of opportunities in regard to your digital presence. From site structure to page speed to canonical tags and more, an audit gets pretty in-depth.

For more info:

How much does an seo audit cost?

Once you become a client of ours, an SEO audit is our first priority. In fact, we have a 180-point template and a complete process that dives just about as deep as one can go.

But today, we’ll conduct your first audit for free. That’s right. For us it’s more about educating, bringing value and helping you out.

No obligation whatsoever. Just fill out the form and we’ll get to work!

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