Improve Content, Create Evergreen Value, SEO, Visibility

B2B SaaS SEO Case Study

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Project Overview


Increase in Organic Traffic


Traffic Boost to Optimized Posts
Business Type SaaS
Project Goals Increased Traffic and Visibility
Project Overview

As one of the fastest growing industries for many years, Software As a Service (SaaS) has become essential to the operation of modern business. Thousands of companies are creating solutions for businesses, and as one of the younger players in the SaaS game, our client was having a hard time competing for online visibility and traction. Their human resources products could help organizations, but not if those organizations couldn’t find them. In 2014 they turned to Big Leap, beginning a long-time, successful partnership. 

As a strategic partner, Big Leap worked closely with this SaaS company to design and refine customized strategies that achieved great results. Their website traffic has doubled several years in a row, which in turn increased lead acquisition. A personalized content marketing campaign also produced tremendous growth, with an average increase in traffic of 507% to optimized posts. And by working hand in hand with new product and service launches, those new offerings started strong out the gate. 

Continue reading to see how a true partnership with SEO experts has helped this SaaS company grow and become a strong online competitor in their field. Or contact us to discover how we can achieve your business goals together.  


Our Strategy

Existing Content Optimization

In conjunction with our client, Big Leap created a targeted content marketing campaign with two primary focuses: content optimization and creation of high quality, evergreen content. 

Our client already had a wealth of relevant content that wasn’t pulling its weight like it could. We carefully analyzed all blog content to identify the greatest potential for optimization (length, quality, keywords, technical adjustments, etc.). On a post-by-post basis, we began an ongoing campaign to optimize that existing content. 

Production of New Evergreen Content

The second main focus involved producing high-quality content that would offer value to readers for weeks, months, and even years to come. 

Extensive industry research and close collaboration with our client revealed two prime opportunities to fulfill reader needs in the HR space. We created rich, pillar content pieces that are regularly added to or updated.

True Partnership

We can attribute much of our success with this client to a truly collaborative working partnership. Big Leap acts as an extension of their internal team to help them reach their goals. Together, we regularly evaluate and discuss strategies, then modify and adjust them as our client’s needs change. Over the years we have helped with overall online strategy, SEO, competitive research, comprehensive website auditing, content marketing, technical audits, launching of new products, and more.

Within six months of publishing one of our pillar pieces of evergreen content, it reached 128,000 visitors, and to this day has had hundreds of thousands of hits.


The Results

This content optimization initiative has produced incredible results, with the average increase in traffic to these posts of 507.75%. 

saas case study traffic graph

Within six months of publishing one of our pillar pieces of evergreen content, it reached 128,000 visitors, and to this day has had hundreds of thousands of hits. Another successful evergreen content post drives an average of 38,000 monthly visitors to our client's site.

organic traffic saas case study

Over the duration of this campaign, our client's organic traffic has jumped from just under 6,000 monthly sessions to over 340,000 monthly sessions, an increase of over 5600%. Targeted keyword rankings have also improved consistently year over year.

google traffic saas case study
Get Your Customized Digital Marketing Strategy

Your business isn’t the same as others, so your SEO strategy shouldn’t be the same as others’ either. Contact the SEO specialists at Big Leap for a customized digital marketing strategy and see the difference a true partnership can make in your business.  

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Let's Begin Your Success Story.

If you’re searching for an SEO firm capable of providing exceptional eCommerce marketing, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for with Big Leap. We think outside the box, push beyond the endgame, and lay a reliable foundation for sustainable business growth.

Drop us a line in the form below or call one of our specialists to find out exactly what we can do to promote your online store and elevate your brand to new heights.

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