
  • Managed around 600 SEO client projects

  • Experience in her roles as a partner account manager, enterprise digital marketing manager, and SEO director

  • Helped clients in 35+ industries

  • Holistic Health Practitioner license from IPSB

  • Hiker, kickboxer, dancer, swimmer


A decade ago, Justina entered digital marketing on the recommendation of a friend in the industry. She built her SEO and account management skills around her early talent in customer relationship management. Since then, she’s been a partner account manager and enterprise digital marketing manager and is now one of Big Leap’s expert SEO Directors.

Approximately 600 projects later, Justina has helped clients in 35 diverse industries. She’s driven by the continuous evolution of the digital marketing field and by guiding companies through that shifting landscape to achieve their goals.

Justina’s expert knowledge, leadership, and powerfully effective communication are firmly grounded in SEO’s foundational technical, analytical, creative, and structural principles. She uses these principles to improve our clients’ search engine rankings, drive their organic traffic, and elevate their online visibility.

Her areas of expertise include:

  • Audience research
  • Competitive research
  • Website analytics and tracking
  • Data analysis
  • Content
  • Link building
  • Google’s EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) guidelines
  • International SEO
  • Reputation management

Justina thrives on overcoming complex challenges. Whether helping her team troubleshoot or find creative solutions for clients using her expertise with analytics, she excels in the adventure of identifying client pain points, building relationships, and optimizing our strategies that lead to success.

Outside her role at Big Leap, Justina enjoys hiking, kickboxing, dancing, swimming, and hot yoga. She’s also studying German to learn the language of her family on her mother’s side.


Justina holds a Holistic Health Practitioner license from the International School of Bodywork (IPSB) in San Diego and has worked for 10 years in digital marketing.

Articles by Justina Amerson

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